The Crazy News Guy

Archive for August 3rd, 2007|Daily archive page

It’s a fake!: ‘Van Gogh’ Painting connected to Rupert Murdoch proven near worthless.

In 19th century, 2007, Amsterdam, Art, australia, Business, Culture, europe, Head of a man, Life, london, News, Odd News, Painting, paris, Rupert Murdoch, Society, UK, Uncategorized, Van Gogh, World News on August 3, 2007 at 6:59 pm


gogh_wideweb__470x2912.jpg  How embarrasing!

Like something out of a classic Hollywood thriller…

A self portait painting supposedly created in 1886 by legendary artist Vincent van Gogh, purported to be worth Australian $25 million (US $21.5 million), has been proven to be a fake.

The painting called ‘Head of a man’ was bought to Australia by the father of media billionare Rupert Murdoch, Sir Keith Murdoch, and has been with the National Gallery of Victoria collection since just before World War 2.

But when the painting went on a tour to Europe, experts in Amsterdam tested the painting regarded as “offbeat” and an “oddity”, by Van Gogh specialists.

Last year The Sunday Times in London published claims by Van Gogh specialists that the work had been incorrectly attributed.

And today, it was announced that those claims have proven accurate.

The gallery said there would be a “downwards adjustment” in the painting’s value when the Victorian state gallery revalues its collection next year.

Downward adjustment indeed!

Not so stary, stary anymore…..

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Crazy Video: Happy Birthday Microwave Oven!

In crazy, Crazy News Crazy Video of the Week, Crazy Video, science, Science and Technology, Society, technology, World on August 3, 2007 at 3:14 pm

Oh YES! It’s Friday, and its time for another installment of…..

The Crazy News Crazy Video of the Week!

Recently, the humble modern day microwave oven celebrated its 40th birthday..

The Amana Radarange  was launched on to the market in 1967, and the world hasn’t looked back since.

Happy Birthday microwave oven!

And to celebrate,  here is some crazy microwave experiments for your enjoyment!

And what grand birthday celebration would be without fireworks…..for the pyromaniac in you!

Now that was awesome!

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