The Crazy News Guy

Archive for the ‘mens health’ Category

Being fat will soon be ‘normal’ in America, study.

In 2007, adult, amazing story, American News, Crazy news, food, health, Human Interest, mens health, mexico, Odd News, science, Society, study, United States, USA, World News, world record, Worlds most on July 19, 2007 at 7:09 pm

Fat the new skinny?

Fashion USA 2015?


Forget your worries about Global Warming, Al Qaeda, Bird Flu, hurricanes, earthquakes and stupid Presidents…

Apparently, America is eating itself to death. Yep, that fat epidemic we all keep hearing about is set to define our era like the plague defined the middle ages.

And just when you thought it was safe to take that next trip to McDonalds, they come out with this!

Scientists and researchers from the Johns Hopkins University have concluded that if Americans keep stacking the pounds on at the current rate of pace, 75% of people in the good old US of A will be overweight in just 8 years time.

That compares to 66% of US adults considered overweight in 2004, says The Daily Mail:

“Obesity is a public health crisis. If the rate of obesity and overweight continues at this pace, by 2015, 75 per cent of adults and nearly 24 per cent of U.S. children and adolescents will be overweight or obese,” Dr. Youfa Wang, who led the study, said in a statement.

 They defined adult overweight and obesity using a standard medical definition called body mass index. People with a BMI of 25 or above are considered overweight, while those with BMIs of 30 or above are obese and at serious risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

The report comes as 11 of America’s largest food and beverage companies agreed to take the token step of ‘limiting’ junk food advertising during children’s TV shows.
Meanwhile, in other fat news, Mexican Manuel Uribe Garza, otherwise known as the fattest man in the world, will undergo surgery in Italy, according to

Italian surgeon Giancarlo DeBernardinis told Agence France-Presse, “We will hold a meeting in the coming days to work out the details of the hospitalization and to prepare the operating theater and the appropriate surgical tools.”
Uribe drew worldwide attention when he appeared on the Televisa television network in January.

For the past five years, Uribe has been bedridden. He keeps a television and a computer he uses to update his Web site near his iron bed.

“People think that I can eat a whole cow, but it’s not just overeating, it’s also a hormonal problem,” Uribe said

Manuel has reportedly weighed in at 1,235 pounds, that’s about 560 kilograms for metric lovers like me.

Good luck to him, I say!

And good eating to you all.

World’s fattest man,

An interview with Guillermo…

Here’s a lovely list of some of the more serious effects obesity can have on human health!

Nightmare: Man discovers fly larvae living inside his head!

In 2007, Belize, Colorado, Crazy news, health, Life, mens health, Odd News, Places, south america, USA on July 18, 2007 at 10:50 pm

Hope you haven’t finished a large meal recently.

Crazy things happen in 2’s.

A day after we found out about that rugby player who discovered his opponents tooth embedded into his forehead, a much more stomach curdling story along similar lines has emerged.

Look away now if you fell squeamish at the mere thought of an infestation of fly larvae INSIDE YOUR HEAD! Oh wait, I just told you right there.


Yes that’s right.

According to media reports:

A man in the United States who had recently been on a trip to the Central American nation of Belize discovered five active bot fly larvae living near the top of his skull, which were living in a 2mm to 3mm-wide pit under his skin.

“I’d put my hand back there and feel them moving. I thought it was blood coursing through my head”

“I could hear them. I actually thought I was going crazy.”

Aaron Dallas from Colorado was initially told that he was suffering from the shingles, but after a continuation of unusual feelings within his head, he went back for a further examination, and his doctor Kimball Spence made the spine shivering discovery.

“It was pretty obvious that something was going on”.

“There was an open pit. You could see a little activity, not necessarily the larvae, but a fluctuation of the fluid in the pit,” Dr Spence told media.

Yipes! watch a man have a South American bot fly removed from his back!

Just imagine having those living in your skull…

Video: War zone in Sydney as man goes on rampage with tank!

In 2007, amazing story, australia, court, crazy, Crazy news, Life, mad hatter, mens health, military, Odd News, Society, stunt, sydney, Uncategorized, war, World News on July 14, 2007 at 6:32 pm

A man went on a crazy rampage though suburbs of Australia’s largest city, Sydney, in the early hours of the morning local time, taking out infastructure and sending police on a wild chase.

John Robert Patterson, 45, allegedly led officers on a 90-minute chase through six suburbs in Sydney’s west as he crashed the privately-owned APC through fences, mobile phone towers, telecommunication relay sheds and an electrical substation.

The man from Dharruk, in Sydney’s west, was arrested after the APC stalled on its way to damaging a seventh property, police said.

He was refused bail in court.

Defence lawyer Ivan Bertoia told the court that Patterson claimed “that certainly he had authority to behave in such a manner”.

In refusing bail, the magistrate recommended that Patterson, who had facial lacerations and a swollen left eye, receive medical and psychiatric attention.

The hearing was adjourned to local court on July 16.

Mobile phone services where the chase occurred were disrupted while technicians waited to gain entry to the crime scenes, police said.

Police on patrol had noticed the APC allegedly being used to destroy an electricity substation and followed the carrier through the suburbs of Mt Druitt, Dharruk, Emerton, Glendenning and Plumpton.

The pursuit ended in Dean Park when the vehicle stalled as it was being driven towards another mobile phone tower, police said.

Police arrested Patterson and charged him with numerous offences including malicious damage, break, enter and steal, predatory driving, possession of a prohibited drug, use of a weapon to avoid apprehension and driving in a dangerous manner.

Video from Seven News, Sydney, Australia. 

Video: Most violent day yet in Pamplona Running of the Bulls, tourists hospitalised.

In 2007, amazing story, American News, animals, crazy, Crazy news, entertainment, EU, europe, health, Human survival, Life, mens health, Odd News, Running of the bulls, Society, Spain, United States, USA, World News on July 13, 2007 at 12:43 am

 A number of people from around the world have been seriously injured in Day 6 of the annual running of the bulls festival.

Report from San Jose Mercury News:

The pack of six 1,300-pound bulls and six steers—meant to keep the bulls running in a single pack—disintegrated shortly after the animals set off on the dash through the cobblestone streets of Pamplona in the sixth of eight planned runs.

One stray bull turned around and ran the wrong way. Herders with long sticks smacked it in the rump to get the animal pointed in the right direction.

The loose bull charged and tossed several runners—some of them clad in the traditional red-and-white garb of San Fermin—on its way to the bullring.

Several runners were trampled and seven runners were injured by bulls’ horns. One 48-year-old man from Pamplona was gored in the chest and was reported to be in very serious condition. A 23-year-old Mexican was gored in the stomach and was also reported as very serious.

The other runners who were gored were from Poland, Norway, Spain and the United States, with ages ranging from 23 to 50, officials said. They were all reported to be in serious condition.

Crazy Video of day 6:

See related Crazy News blog on local women wanting “running of the cows” and the “running of the nudes” pre-festival protest by PETA.